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LGMS Parents & Students

Mustang PRIDE

Prepared - be willing and able

Respectful - show consideration, appreciation, and acceptance

Involved - be active in your school and community

Driven - set goals and meet expectations

Excellent - strive to do your best at all times

Learning is the focus at LGMS.  To make it easy, here are 6 simple rules to follow:

  1. Be to class on time.

  2. Bring only appropriate materials to school and class.

  3. Follow directions the first time they are given.

  4. Be polite and kind to everyone.

  5. Complete and turn in all assignments on time.

  6. If you are absent, make up the missed work when you return.

*Parents and students may reach teachers by email, the Canvas Learning Management System, or by calling 540-661-4444 and dialing the teacher’s extension (found on LGMS webpage staff directory).


Structure of the Day:

  • Homeroom is held to allow for announcements, the Pledge of Allegiance, moment of silence, attendance, and the collection of student notes.  Students’ homerooms are the same as their first block class. 

  • There are 60 minutes per day for each core academic class: English, math, social studies, and science. 

  • Students have the potential to take up to three 60 minute classes in: Physical Education, Band, Chorus, General Music, Art, Family and Consumer Sciences, Spanish, STEM, TechEd, and Agrisciences.  Please note that not all of these classes are available in all grade levels and that some classes meet daily, while others meet every other day.

More for Parents & Students: