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- October 13th Advance Band at OCHS Football
- November 15th Fall Band Concert, 7 PM
- December 9th All-District Band Auditions
- December 13th Chorus Winter Concert, 7 PM
- Feb 2nd-3rd All-District Band Event
- Feb 9th-10th MS District Choir Festival
- Feb 20th Band Winter Concert, 7 PM
- Mar. 2nd or 3rd State Band Assessment
- March 6th Chorus Pre-Assessment @OCHS
- March 14th or 15th State Chorus Assessment
- March 22nd Orange County Arts Fair
- April 20th Band and Chorus to Kings Dominion
- May 1st Chorus Spring Concert 7PM
- May 8th Band Spring Concert, 7PM
Please know that unless a student wants Band or Chorus, they will be put into an exploratory rotation.
Robotics, Coding and Design
Intro to Foreign Culture
Family and Consumer Sciences
General Music